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Ambidextrie – Digital Leadership with Agility and Flexibility to Success

Digitisation affects all of our lives and, for a long time, companies in all sectors. Those who are not behind here will quickly be...

Objectives & Key Results (OKR)

The goal of every company is to generate growth. When companies are successful and grow faster than expected, there is great joy at the...

Briefly explained – Affective Computing

Warum sollte ich einen Artikel über Affective Computing lesen?Keine Frage, Computer sind intelligent. Doch Technologie hat keine Gefühle? Das stimmt, doch wird sie immer...

Servant Leadership – End outdated leadership approaches!

Stop outdated leadership approaches! This is being demanded more and more and the world of work is currently in a state of upheaval. Work...

Consent instead of Consensus – Agile Decision-Making

Teams and groups working on projects must make decisions - and together. As a rule, these decisions cannot be taken until everyone gives their...

Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics 360 in comparison

Knowing the customer and his behaviour is essential for any company. This is the only way to initiate and take action. Two tools to...

With Activity Based Working (ABW) to increase creativity and performance

Activity Based Working, or ABW for short, is currently THE trend in the design of offices and workspaces. It promises more flexibility, autonomy and...

Employability in times of digitalization

Employability Management has been a major trend in human resources for some time. But not only as an entrepreneur or a recruiter, the knowledge...

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